Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Making Extraordinary Days

I apologize for the lack of posts recently. Busy times. So three or fours weeks ago I was making some goals for my life and the attitude I wanted to have. I was preparing to start my last semester of undergrad and getting all my classes figured out and thought it a good time to relook at the direction I am headed. One of the goals I came up with was I wanted to make each day extraordinary. I was tired of ordinary days and wanted to add the "extra" to them to make them extraordinary. I wasn't looking to feed a thousand starving kinds in Africa every day but just simple little everyday things. Writing a note to an old friend. making someone smile or making someones day. Just small simple things to go a little above and beyond each day.

I think I suffer from something that alot of people do and that is when I make a goal I seem to do well for a week or two while I have momentum but then loose sight of it and fall back into old habits. So I decided with this one I was going to try something new. I bought me a notebook and decided everyday I was going to write in there what I did that day to make it extraordinary. I figured this way I would have to make an extra effort everyday to make sure I did something that I could write in my book. This way I have a way of following up on myself everyday too to make sure I am working on my goal. I also have someone who texts me everyday and asks me what I did to make my day extraordinary. That way I am accountable to someone else too.

So far it has worked out pretty well. For example for the things I can write for today I went shopping with my roommate because he wanted someone to go with him. At the hospital I decided to smile at every person I saw in the halls. Everytime I was in the elevator I talked to the person in there with me and asked them how their day was. And I had a kiddo that had just finished his last round of chemo and got platelets today. He was feeling sick and came into the playroom. He just layed in the corner on a bean bag we had there. I dumped out a little bucket that some legos in it because he was starting to throw up. I sat there and rubbed his back while he threw up. (I know I like to have my back rubbed when I throw up.) I helped him rinse his mouth and got him a blanket and rubbed his back as he fell asleep on the bean bag. He slept there on the bean bag for a couple hours. It's just the little things I have tried to do to go above and beyond just a little bit. I didn't do anything amazing. I don't know if I helped anyones day. But I sure smiled alot more today. I made my day extraordinary, at least to me.